Thursday, November 13, 2008

*Actual Conversation*

Every once in a while, Engineers have those social growing moments:

Guy: "I can't believe you're like this. You're so much fun. You're so normal. I've never got to hang out with you outside of class before."

Girl: *hesitantly* "Yeah"

(2 hours later) Guy: "This is so funny. You're really cool. I can't believe you're so fun to be around. I can't believe this is the first time we've done hw together. I just can't believe how normal you are."

Girl: *Ackward Chuckle*

1 Hour later, 1:30 AM, Packing up to leave the Dude

Guy: "You're really awesome. We should go down the road and hang out " (Actual wording)

Girl: *Politely* "Yeah that would be nice...Well I'll see you later"

Guy: "Oh, I was thinking about tonight..."

Duderstadt Center: *Ackwardness*


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